Tandem Talk Show #49 - The Two Mistakes You Should Never Make After Achieving Your Goal Weight

If you’re trying to lose fat and MAINTAIN the weight you’ve lost, it’s critical you properly transition out of your diet. Too many times; however, women make two big mistakes after they achieve their goal weight that not only sabotage their fat loss progress but cause them to regain all the weight they lost plus more.

Don’t let this be you.

Go into your next fat loss phase with an exit strategy so you know exactly what to do.

Let this episode show you exactly what to do and just as importantly, what NOT to do.

Happy Dieting,

Coach g

Episode Resources:

  •  Join our Tandem Nutrition Facebook Group – Get FREE resources, live training, and powerful support, encouragement, and motivation as you work towards your fat loss goals in our free Facebook Group.
  • Learn more about our TONE UP Programs – Our official Women’s Fat Loss Programs that we’ve been using over the past decade helping women around the world lose fat, tone up, and transform their lives in a healthy and sustainable way.