Tandem Talk Show #024 - The 4 Phases of Dieting Explained

You’re probably dieting wrong. 

Dieting wrong?

Yes. There’s an actual correct way to diet and an incorrect way to diet for maximal and sustainable fat loss. 

Most people follow the “traditional” way of dieting. The way of dieting that starts you off in a calorie deficit and keeps you there until you reach your goal.  That can sometimes be for a few months, maybe a half year or even worse… a few years. 

That way of dieting is unsustainable and ineffective.

There’s a better way?

Yes.  And it’s the exact strategies we use with our clients throughout our TONE UP VIP Program.

How’s our approach different?

We understand dieting is tough and we respect the fact that our clients want to actually keep off the fat they’ve lost… for life, which is why we take a more effective and sustainable approach.

What approach is that?

We diet our clients in PHASES.

Yes! We have distinct phases we take our clients through throughout their fat loss journey to ensure they lose fat at the highest and most sustainable rate in their Fat Loss Phases (FLPs) and to ensure they keep that fat off while resetting their metabolism throughout their Metabolic Reset Phase (MRPs)

There’s an actual science to dieting.  Only a few know how to diet correctly and even fewer have actually done so…

Curious to learn more about this dieting approach so you can implement it on your own?

This episode is for you then.

In it, I review the 4 different phases of dieting discussing how and when to use each to lose fat, keep it off and how to get back to living life without having to always worry about dieting. 

Despite what you may have heard, there’s actually a  way to stop dieting and to start living. This episode will tell you how. 


Coach g 

Episode Resources:

  •  Join our Tandem Nutrition Facebook Group – Get FREE resources, live trainings, and powerful support, encouragement, and motivation as you work towards your fat loss goals in our free Facebook Group.
  • Learn more about our TONE UP Programs – Our official Women’s Fat Loss Programs that we’ve been using over the past decade helping women around the world lose fat, tone up, and transform their lives in a healthy and sustainable way.