How Having a Coach Accelerates Your Fat Loss Progress

Have you been struggling to lose weight and thought to yourself?

  • … Should I hire a Coach to help me achieve my goals in a healthy and sustainable way?
  • … How does working with a Coach actually help me? 
  • … What’s the accountability structure like working with a Tandem Coach? 
  • … How often will I get to talk to my Coach? 
  • … Is my health worth investing in? 

If any of these questions about hiring a Coach to support and guide you throughout your fat loss journey have ever crossed your mind, this episode of the Tandem Talk Show is one you need to listen to!

In it, I interview one of our very own TONE UP Clients, Beth Chelmowski asking her specifically how her Tandem Coach has not only helped her break through her plateau but also lose over 10 lbs in 12 weeks throughout her Fat Loss Phase while going through one of the busiest and most stressful times of her life.

Have any questions about our TONE UP Coaching program or want to reach out to me directly to learn more about our programs?  Click here and message me “TONE UP”. 

I’d love to hear from you.

Hope you found this episode helpful!

Until next time, 

Coach g 

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