The Best And Worst Times To Do Cardio For Fat Loss

With all the fitness and fat loss information out there, do you ever get confused about cardio?

For example?

  • Is it even necessary?
  • When should you even do it, if at all?
  • When’s the best time to do cardio?
  • Is there a time you should NOT do cardio?
  • What about workout days?  Can you do cardio on those days as well?

As you can imagine, there are a ton of questions surrounding the topic of cardio for fat loss and the best and worst times to do it to achieve the best possible results.

If any (or all) of these questions have ever run through your mind, this episode is for you.  In it, I review the best and worst times to do cardio for maximal fat loss.

After this episode, you’ll have a clear idea on whether or not cardio is best for you and if so, when you should do it based on your goals.

Hope you enjoy!

Coach g

Episode Resources:

  •  Join our Tandem Nutrition Facebook Group – Get FREE resources, live training, and powerful support, encouragement, and motivation as you work towards your fat loss goals in our free Facebook Group.
  • Learn more about our TONE UP Programs – Our official Women’s Fat Loss Programs that we’ve been using over the past decade helping women around the world lose fat, tone up, and transform their lives in a healthy and sustainable way.