No One is Coming To Save You – 5 Overlooked Strategies To Retake Full Ownership of Your Life; with Special Guest – Matt Temby

“Real Change Comes from Within”

Still today, this old saying has merit and whether you want to believe it or not, its truth will never change.

If you really want to change, you have to take responsibility.  You have to take ownership of your life, be open to learning and be ready to take action. 

Whether you’re wanting to lose 20-lbs, learn how to properly use exercise equipment or something as simple as learning how to track calories, the change has to start with you.  The first step has to be yours. 

If you’re interested in learning what it truly means to retake full ownership of your life, this episode of our Tandem Tandem Show is one you’ll want to tune into. 

I’m joined by speaker, entrepreneur, and fitness expert Matt Temby and throughout this episode, he shares his best strategies on how he’s helped hundreds of his clients just like you retake control of their lives through simple, actionable steps and mindset strategies.

In this episode, you’ll be learning:

  1. The mindset strategies that will help you take instant action on achieving your biggest life’s desires
  2. The characteristics that all successful people have in common with taking ownership of their lives
  3. Three proven coaching strategies that will leave you feeling eager to take action in your life
  4. The BIGGEST mistake to avoid when hiring a coach to help you achieve your goals

I hope you’re as excited as I was for this podcast episode!  

After listening, comment on this post to let me know what your biggest takeaway was! 

Excited to hear from you! 

Coach g

Episode Resources:

  •  Join our Tandem Nutrition Facebook Group – Get FREE resources, live trainings, and powerful support, encouragement, and motivation as you work towards your fat loss goals in our free Facebook Group.
  • Learn more about our TONE UP Programs – Our official Women’s Fat Loss Programs that we’ve been using over the past decade helping women around the world lose fat, tone up, and transform their lives in a healthy and sustainable way.