Female Fat Loss Strategies

Believe it or not, the diet industry doesn’t want you to lose weight.

It wants you to get caught up in the never-ending rat race of crash dieting only to see you regain the weight it helped you lose… and sometimes more.

It’s how they stay in business selling their cheap dieting “hacks”, waist wraps and fad diets that don’t work… at least long term.

The end of fad dieting and short-results are over.

At Tandem Nutrition, we’re dedicating this podcast to teaching women the most effective fat loss strategies on how to lose fat and keep it off for life using the same healthy, sustainable fat loss techniques we’ve been using over the past decade helping hundreds of women achieve and maintain their fat loss goals through our TONE UP Programs.

On today’s show, I kick things off by going over three very important, and not to mention, effective fat loss strategies that the diet industry doesn’t want to tell you.

If you’re wanting to learn more about:

  • Why you should NOT focus on fast fat loss
  • Why you should NOT cut carbs when trying to lose fat
  • Why dieting too long will ruin your fat loss efforts.

… be sure to tune into this episode!

It’s one you definitely don’t want to miss if you’re wanting to lose fat for life in a healthy and sustainable way.

Episode Resources:

  • Join our Tandem TONE UP Community – Get FREE resources, live trainings, and powerful support, encouragement and motivation as you work towards your fat loss goals in our Facebook Community.
  • Learn more about our TONE UP Programs – Our official Women’s Fat Loss Programs that we’ve been using over the past decade helping women around the world lose fat and keep it off in a healthy and sustainable way.