The Importance of Rest Days & Why You Need to Take Them

Believe it or not… Doing MORE does NOT lead to MORE or “BETTER” results.

It’s the quite opposite.

In fact, this may be the #1 REASON why you’re not seeing progress.

Constantly feeling tired, stressed, burnt out, fatigued, etc… This is NOT a normal feeling.

It’s a signal from your body telling you that you’re not recovering from the “work” you’re putting in.

What does that mean?

That means you’re not able to build muscle, gain the strength and release the fat that you’re working so hard to.

This is one of the most common mistakes we see women make before joining our program…

– Doing 5-6 days of HIIT hoping to blast body fat only to be only set back

– Running every day for fat loss only to be left feeling exhausted and with less muscle

– Doing high-intensity fitness classes 5-7 days a week which is negatively impacting their nervous system so they can’t recover or sleep well or have any energy to do anything.

Ready to learn the importance of rest days, how many you should be taking each week, and what a REST DAY should actually look like? 

This episode is for you! 


Coach g

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